Acupuncture Center USA: 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture
Specialized in Intervention of Neuro-immune-endocrine Crosstalk for Inflammation and Pain Control
Global Leading Chinese Medical Center Serving USA and Worldwide
Explore the Best Way Integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine with Modern Conventional Western Medicine
585-358-6186; 315-378-5556; 607-372-2082 Acupuncture in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY
Home of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Modern Chinese Medicine
One of the Best Traditional Chinese Medicine Centers in the World
Life Changing Medicine, Moving Medicine Forward
We Collaborate with the Best Doctors as a Team for Integrated Comprehensive Care

From East Coast To West Coast, From North To South, From China To USA, Patients Have Experienced
Seven-generations Accumulated Experience on the Cutting Edge
Neural Control Medicine for Immunity, Endocrine, Inflammation, Pain, and Cancer Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY
Precision Medicine - Ancient Intelligence of Chinese Medicine and Integrative Medicine
Featuring Personalized Pain Management and Personalized Integrative Oncology
Integrative Personalized Pain Management Targeting Inflammation Differentially
Inflammation: the Devil Causes Diseases
Treat the Root of Disease Targeting Inflammation Differentially
Welcome To
Integrative Medicine Institute Binghamton NY
Rochester Integrative Medicine Center Rochester NY
Syracuse Integrative Medicine Center Syracuse NY
Dedicated to Patient Care and Clinical Translation Research to Improve Our Clinical Practices
7th Generation Integrative Medicine Acupuncture for Integrated Healthcare as Part of Current Comprehensive Medical Treatments in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY

One of the Best, Global leading Integrative Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY
One of the Best, Global leading Integrative Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY
The best integrative medicine doctors use the best acupuncture and the best traditional Chinese medicine in Rochester, Syracuse, NY, for cancer care and pain management, also known as integrative oncology and integrative pain management. Integrative medicine, or integration of traditional Chinese medicine with current conventional Western medicine is the trends in medicine in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY and in the world. Integrative medicine for cancer care is named as integrative oncology or integrative cancer care. Integrative medicine for pain management is named as integrative pain management. Integrated healthcare with the integrative medicine approaches is the trends in medicine, and integrative medicine has been applied to the full scope of medicine or all of the fields of medicine. Best doctors always use integrative acupuncture as the approach of integrative medicine for their comprehensive practice of patient care. Acupuncture is a drug free care without the concerns of drug interactions with conventional Western medications and herb medications ( the nature products ). Therefore, integrative acupuncture care is the best option and approach for integrated healthcare as part of comprehensive healthcare. Best doctors or best integrative medicine doctors always choose RUI 7th generation integrative medicine acupuncture to be integrated into their practice in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY, the upstate of New York.


Traditional Chinese Medicine Centers in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY
Traditional Chinese Medicine Centers in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY
Pros and Cons of Inflammation: We Need Inflammation! Do Not Need Inflammation Over!
RUI Neuro-immune-endocrine Based Acupuncture Modulates Inflammation, Pain, and Immunity in Rochester, NY.
Pain, Inflammation, and Immunity Are Modulated by Neuro-Immune-Endocrine Reflexes, Circuits, and Networks System.
Neuro-Immune-Endocrine Reflexes, Circuits, and Networks System Is the Key of RUI Inflammation, Pain, and Immunity Care Acupuncture in Rochester, NY
Pros and Cons of Inflammation: We Need Inflammation! Do Not Need Inflammation Over!
RUI Neuro-immune-endocrine Based Acupuncture Modulates Inflammation, Pain, and Immunity in Rochester, NY.
Pain, Inflammation, and Immunity Are Modulated by Neuro-Immune-Endocrine Reflexes, Circuits, and Networks System.
Neuro-Immune-Endocrine Reflexes, Circuits, and Networks System Is the Key of RUI Inflammation, Pain, and Immunity Care Acupuncture in Rochester, NY
Inflammation is part of the organism's immune response. Infections, injuries, and any damage to tissue and organ would not be able to heal without an inflammatory response. Chronic inflammation can eventually result in diseases and conditions, including cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases such as diseases of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, and other body systems, like peripheral neuropathy, osteoarthritis, neurodegenerative diseases, and more. Inflammation builds the roots of most diseases. The immune system and the nervous system coevolved under the influence of infection and sterile injury. Reflex neural circuits maintain immunological homeostasis, and are essential for human health. Neural reflexes plays a key role in inflammation and immunity. Failure of the neuron reflex mechanisms or Immune-Neuro-Endocrine Reflexes, Circuits, and Networks system in our body contributes to nonresolving inflammation and disease. That is why inflammation builds the root of most diseases. RUI acupuncture modulates inflammation and immunity through immune-neuro-endocrine reflexes, circuits, and networks system to activate self healing to treat the roots of diseases in Rochester, NY.

RUI Acupuncture Treatment at Acupuncture Center USA
Balance Immune System, Build Stronger Immunity, while Relieving Inflammation, Pain, and Improving Functions
Neuro-immune-endocrine Based Acupuncture Care
Featuring RUI Anti-Inflammatory Acupuncture, Medical Oncology Acupuncture, and Neuromedicine Acupuncture
Treat the Root of Pre-illness Conditions & Illnesses
Preventive and Therapeutic Acupuncture Care Upstate New York
To Reach Ultimate Longevity and Highest Quality of Life
Life Changing Medicine
RUI Changes Lives Everyday!
Rui Wang, MD of China, 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture Rochester NY, Syracuse NY, Binghamton NY
Need the best acupuncture in Syracuse, NY? Upstate RUI Acupuncture in Fayetteville NY is one of the best medical acupuncture in the world, enhances immunity Upstate NY! Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY is personalized medical acupuncture care in Syracuse NY; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY is regenerative pain management acupuncture serving Syracuse NY; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY modulates inflammation through reflex neural circuit mechanisms to repair and restore damaged tissue, such as damaged bone and nerve; Upstate RUI acupuncture put stem cells into action to treat degenerative diseases in Syracuse NY; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY restores and maintains homeostasis; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY builds stronger immunity against diseases for better living in Syracuse NY; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY is orthopedic acupuncture for orthopedic pain such as osteoarthritis care in Syracuse NY; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY is sports acupuncture for the best athletic performance and the best athletic health in Syracuse NY; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY modulates inflammation, not to kill inflammation; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY is a fertility acupuncture for infertility care and IVF support; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY is medical oncology acupuncture for cancer immunity and cancer care; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY is neurological acupuncture for neurological disorders in Syracuse NY; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY is rheumatology acupuncture for rheumatology disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis care; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY is preventive acupuncture for personalized prevention in Syracuse NY, preventive medicine is the trends in medicine; Upstate RUI acupuncture Syracuse NY is located in Northeast Medical Center in Fayetteville NY; Upstate RUI acupuncture is serving Rochester, Syracuse, and Binghamton NY, the Upstate of New York.
* Do not stop your conventional western medicine care during the acupuncture care! RUI Acupuncture care is only part of your comprehensive medical care, and is integrated with your conventional western medicine care. Acupuncture Center USA, world-class acupuncture in Rochester NY, Syracuse NY, Binghamton NY.
The best integrative medicine acupuncture doctors use 靈樞 neuro circuit immunology acupuncture to modulates inflammation and immunity in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY. The best acupuncture uses 靈樞 neuro circuit immunology acupuncture to treat the root of inflammatory diseases underlying pain in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY.
* Contact us to schedule a professional evaluation and consultation appointment first, before you decide to have prostate acupuncture care.



MD of China, 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture Physician
Practiced Medicine for More Than 30 Years
Rui Wang, MD of China, 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture Rochester NY, Syracuse NY, Binghamton NY
MD of China, 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture Physician
Practiced Medicine for More Than 30 Years
Rui Wang, MD of China, 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture Rochester NY, Syracuse NY, Binghamton NY
A well trained traditional Chinese medicine practitioner should have the ability to face all kinds of medical problems at all stages of life, if he / she completely understands the integrative concept, the core of traditional Chinese Medicine.
What is the integrative concept?
Integrative concept is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine and is the core of traditional Chinese medicine philosophy. The diagnosis and treatment principle are based upon the integrative concept. The integrative concept means that all of the different parts of human body (different cells, different tissues, different organs, and different systems) are connected by biomedical signaling; and human body has connections with natural environment, the living environment. All of the connections have been proven by modern integrative biology, genomics, and the study of environment genetics.
Why Rui Wang acupuncture can treat so many types of diseases and conditions?
The integrative concept will give you the right answer. Because of the connections among human body organs, systems, and the human body living environment, the different specialties of medicine must be closely connected each other, and can not be separated. The more you know about the connections, the deeper you understand the integrative concept, the more you know how to manipulate the connection signaling, the more health problems you will know how to treat, and the treatment is more effective.
RUI 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture
Balance Immune System, Build Stronger Immunity, and Relieve Inflammation, Improve functions

Ancient Chinese acupuncture, as the major component of traditional Chinese medicine, has been used for healthcare for thousands of years. And acupuncture care, as alternative medicine or complementary medicine, is becoming more popular in the world, because the integration of traditional Chinese medicine with conventional Western medicine can improve and enhance quality of life and quality of healthcare, leading to ultimate clinical outcome.
Does acupuncture work? How does acupuncture work? What is the mechanism of acupuncture clinical action? Those uncertainties are the major reasons that acupuncture has not been accepted by everyone. Now, acupuncture is studied by many top medical institutes in the world. Based upon literature search, it has been demonstrated that acupuncture activates molecular cell signaling pathways of self-healing through regulating neuro-endocrine-immune molecular cellular signaling networks. More acupuncture studies need to be done.
Selected References:
1. Image credited to: Dong Lin, Ike De La Pena, Lili Lin, et al. The Neuroprotective Role of Acupuncture and Activation of the BDNF Signaling Pathway. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014, 15(2), 3234-3252.
2. Xin-Yu Huang, et al. Acupuncture Alters Expression of Insulin Signaling Related Molecules and Improves Insulin Resistance in OLETF Rats. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. Volume 2016.
3. Li Chen, et al. A review of inflammatory signaling pathway regulated by acupuncture. World Journal of Acupuncture - Moxibustion. Volume 26, Issue 2, June 2016, Pages 63-69.
4. S.S. Ding, et al. Acupuncture modulates the neuro–endocrine–immune network. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, Volume 107, Issue 5, 1 May 2014, Pages 341–345.
Acupuncture and the Regulation of Molecular Cell Signaling Pathway
Acupuncture and the Regulation of Molecular Cell Signaling Pathway
Inflammation Builds Root of Most Diseases
Inflammation Builds Root of Most Diseases
Inflammation is the basic pathogenesis of diseases. It is the first response and reaction of organism to pathogens, such as virus, bacteria, fungus, injury, etc. Studies have demonstrated that inflammation is the basic cause of most health issues and inflammation is the major factor influencing our life. Inflammation builds the root of diseases and a wide range of health problems. Therefore, targeting inflammation or properly modulating inflammation process will open a novel avenue to develop more effective preventive and therapeutic measures for healthcare or for cures. Rui Wang, MD of China, 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture Rochester NY, Syracuse NY, Binghamton NY
Anti-inflammatory Action of Acupuncture in Science
Anti-inflammatory Action of Acupuncture in Science
Acupuncture 'could treat inflammation and save lives'
Medical News Today. Written by Marie Ellis on February 24, 2014
Balance Immune System, Build Stronger Immunity, and Relieve Inflammation
The major mechanism of acupuncture action is the activation of anti-inflammatory signaling pathway for self-healing, through modulation of neuro-immune endocrine networks, according to literature search and our clinical studies. More specific acupuncture study targeting on each treatment modality and each acupuncture point for certain specific health problem needs to be looked into. And to completely understand acupuncture needs the efforts of generations.
Selected References:
- Rafael Torres-Rosas, Ghassan Yehia, Geber Peña, et al. Dopamine mediates vagal modulation of the immune system by electroacupuncture. Nature Medicine 20, 291–295 (2014)
- Now Acupuncture Proven A Powerful Anti-Inflammatory. HealthCMi.
- Marie Ellis. Acupuncture 'could treat inflammation and save lives'. Medical News Today, 2014.
- Bartosz Chmielnicki. Acupuncture – anti-inflammatory effect and immunomodulation. Evidence Based Acupuncture.
- Acupuncture Anti-inflammatory Marker Found . HealthCMi
Acupuncture holds promise for treating inflammatory disease, study shows. Science Daily, 2014
7th Generation Medical Acupuncture Is Safe, Concern Free, and
Integrated with Conventional Western Medicine
7th Gen. Med. anti-inflammatory acupuncture plays systemic anti-inflammatory action, while boosting host immunity / immune system function.
Steroidal and Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Have Side Effects
7th Generation Medical Acupuncture Is Safe, Concern Free, and
Integrated with Conventional Western Medicine
7th Gen. Med. anti-inflammatory acupuncture plays systemic anti-inflammatory action, while boosting host immunity / immune system function.
Steroidal and Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Have Side Effects
Common Side Effects of Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
- Acne
- Blurred vision
- Cataracts or glaucoma
- Easy bruising
- Difficulty sleeping
- High blood pressure
- Increased appetite, weight gain
- Increased growth of body hair
- Insomnia
- Lower resistance to infection
- Muscle weakness
- Nervousness, restlessness
- Osteoporosis
- Stomach irritation or bleeding
- Sudden mood swings
- Swollen, puffy face
- Water retention, swelling
- Worsening of diabetes
Patient who should not take steroids:
Please ask your MD's suggestion before taking steroidal drugs.
- Infection
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Uncontrolled high blood pressure or congestive heart failure
- Peptic ulcer
- Osteoporosis (bone thinning)
- Glaucoma
Common Side Effects of NSAIDs,
Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
- Stomach pain and heartburn
- Stomach ulcers
- A tendency to bleed more, especially when taking aspirin. Your doctor might tell you to stop taking NSAIDs before surgery. Ask your doctor before taking NSAIDs if you are on blood-thinning medications (such as Coumadin).
- Headaches and dizziness
- Ringing in the ears
- Allergic reactions such as rashes, wheezing, and throat swelling
- Liver or kidney problems. If you have any kidney problems, you shouldn’t take NSAIDs without checking with your doctor.
- High blood pressure
- Leg swelling
Patient should not take NSAIDs:
Ask your doctor before taking an NSAID if:
- You have had serious side effects from taking a pain reliever or feverreducer.
- You have a higher risk of stomach bleeding.
- You have stomach problems, including heartburn.
- You have high blood pressure, heart disease, liver cirrhosis, or kidney disease.
- You have asthma.
- You take a diuretic medication.
Anti-inflammatory Therapy: The Major Strategy / Modalities of
7th Generation Medical Acupuncture
Rui Wang, MD of China, 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture Rochester NY, Syracuse NY, Binghamton NY
Anti-inflammatory Therapy: The Major Strategy / Modalities of
7th Generation Medical Acupuncture
Rui Wang, MD of China, 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture Rochester NY, Syracuse NY, Binghamton NY

Inflammation and Diseases
Inflammation and Diseases
The Root of Most Diseases

Acupuncture, Inflammation and Immunity, Health Self-defense
Acupuncture, Inflammation and Immunity, Health Self-defense
Acupuncture Modulate Immune System Balance, Build Stronger Immunity, and Relieve Inflammation
1. Acupuncture 'could treat inflammation and save lives'. Medical News Today. Written by Marie Ellis on February 24, 2014
2. Dopamine mediates vagal modulation of the immune system by electroacupuncture. Rafael Torres-Rosas, Ghassan Yehia, Geber Peña, et al. Dopamine mediates vagal modulation of the immune system by electroacupuncture. Nature Medicine 20, 291–295 (2014)
3. Acupuncture May Stimulate Anticancer Immunity via Activation of Natural Killer Cells. Michael Francis Johnston, Elizabeth Ortiz Sánchez, Nikola L. Vujanovic, and Wenhui Li, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Volume 2011, Article ID 481625, 14 pages
4. Acupuncture and Immunity. Fengxia Liang ,Edwin L. Cooper, Hua Wang , Xianghong Jing, Juan G. Quispe-Cabanillas , and Tetsuya Kondo. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Evidence-Based. Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Volume 2015, Article ID 260620, 2 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/260620

Inflammation and Neurological Disorders
Inflammation and Neurological Disorders
Inflammation Is the Feature of All Neurological Disorders.

Inflammation and Cancer
Inflammation and Cancer
Inflammation is the major event in cancer development.

Turning Up the Heat---Inflammation in Cardiovascular Diseases
Turning Up the Heat---Inflammation in Cardiovascular Diseases
Inflammation of the myocardium as an arrhythmia trigger.
Hypertension as an autoimmune and inflammatory disease.

Anti-inflammatory Acupuncture Signaling Pathyway
Anti-inflammatory Acupuncture Signaling Pathyway
The anti-inflammatory action of acupuncture is based upon neuroimmune signaling pathway.
Image credited to Kavoussi B, Ross BE. Integr Cancer Ther. 2007 Sep;6(3):251-7.

Anti-inflammatory Acupuncture could save lives
Anti-inflammatory Acupuncture could save lives
Anti-inflammatory action of Acupuncture is promising.

Acupuncture and Cannabinoids
Cannabinoids are novel anti-inflammatory drugs. Recent research shows that, like cannabis, acupuncture actually works to regulate the endocannabinoid system.
Acupuncture and Cannabinoids
Cannabinoids are novel anti-inflammatory drugs. Recent research shows that, like cannabis, acupuncture actually works to regulate the endocannabinoid system.
1. Cannabis and Acupuncture: Recent research shows that, like cannabis, acupuncture actually works to regulate the endocannabinoid system. https://unitedpatientsgroup.com/blog/2016/06/06/cannabis-acupuncture-recent-research-shows-like-cannabis-acupuncture-actually-works-regulate-endocannabinoid-system.
2. A Boost For Your Endocannabinoid System: Cannabis And Acupuncture. By Compassionate Certification Centers Posted April 23, 2018 In Medical Marijuana Blog.
3. Endogenous Anandamide and Cannabinoid Receptor-2 Contribute to Electroacupuncture Analgesia in Rats. Lin Chen, et al. The Journal of Pain. Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2009, Pages 732-739
4. Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs. Prakash Nagarkatti, et al. FUTURE MEDICINAL CHEMISTRYVOL. 1, NO. 7 REVIEW
5. Care and Feeding of the Endocannabinoid System: A Systematic Review of Potential Clinical Interventions that Upregulate the Endocannabinoid System. John M. McPartland, et al. PLOS ONE. March 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e89566

The History and Future of Acupuncture
Time Means Everything
The Past of Acupuncture: As a general practice medicine, acupuncture can help a wide range of health problems at different extents. Acupuncture has been serving Chinese about 2000 years, according to the clearly recorded history. Some authorities claim that acupuncture has been practiced in China for some 4,000 years. The Chinese believe that the practice of acupuncture began during the Stone Age. Chinese had been depending on Traditional Chinese medicine for their health problems, until Jesuits introduced some western books on medicine and western knowledge of human anatomy in about 1656-1737, when Chinese began to know western medicine knowledge. Time means everything!
The Future of Acupuncture: Looking ahead, it is clear that acupuncture is poised to make significant inroads into conventional medicine. It has the potential to become a part of every hospital’s standard of care and, in fact, this is already starting to take place not only in the U.S., but internationally. ------ and more. By Matthew Bauer. Acupuncture Now Foundation. Rui Wang, MD of China, 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture Rochester NY, Syracuse NY, Binghamton NY. 美國針灸中心
RUI acupuncture in Syracuse, NY, one of the best acupuncture in the world, is in Acupuncture Center USA, Fayetteville, NY 13066
RUI acupuncture in Rochester, NY, one of the best acupuncturists in the world, is in Acupuncture Center USA, Rochester, NY 14618
RUI acupuncture in Binghamton, NY, one of the best pain management acupuncture in the world, is in Acupuncture Center USA, Vestal, NY 13850
RUI Acupuncture - More Than Pain Management
Acupuncture Center USA - Home of Acupuncture
World-class Acupuncture in Upstate, NY
7th Generation Medical Acupuncture on the Cutting Edge
State-of-the-art Preventive and Therapeutic Acupuncture in Syracuse, Rochester, Binghamton, NY